Align your faith and finances

Ramsey Trusted SmartVestor Pro

Are you ready to take control of your financial future and seek to make wise investment decisions? We are Oklahoma’s longest tenured Dave Ramsey SmartVestor Pro!

What is a SmartVestor Pro?

The Dave Ramsey SmartVestor Pro Program is a network of qualified financial advisors who are committed to the principles of financial responsibility and sound investing as advocated by Dave Ramsey. Dave Ramsey is a renowned financial expert and best-selling author known for his practical advice on money management, debt reduction, and wealth building.

The SmartVestor program is a directory of investment professionals.  Neither Dave Ramsey nor SmartVestor are affiliates of Forge Financial, or LPL Financial.

What does it mean to work with a vetted SmartVestor Pro?

Seeking Your Trust with Integrity

SmartVestor Pros adhere to a strict code of conduct and ethics, striving to insure that your best interests always come first. We believe in transparency and honesty in all our interactions.

Experience and Expertise

Our SmartVestor Pros are highly trained and experienced professionals in the field of financial planning and investment management. They have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you navigate the complexities of the financial markets and make informed decisions.

Personalized Guidance

We understand that every individual has unique financial goals and circumstances. That's why our SmartVestor Pros take the time to understand your specific needs and develop personalized strategies to help you achieve your objectives.

Commitment to Education

We believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge and resources they need to make smart financial decisions. Our SmartVestor Pros are committed to providing ongoing education and support that aims to help you build wealth and achieve financial freedom.

Empowering you through the heart of a teacher.


Learn More About Dave Ramsey and SmartVestor Pro

  • Dave Ramsey is a well-known American personal finance expert, author, radio show host, and motivational speaker. He is best known for his straightforward and practical advice on managing money, getting out of debt, and building wealth. Ramsey's financial philosophy emphasizes principles of personal responsibility, budgeting, and living within one's means.

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  • Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps are a set of financial guidelines designed to help individuals achieve financial stability, get out of debt, and build wealth over time. These steps provide a clear roadmap for managing money and making smart financial decisions.

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  • SmartVestor Pros offer similar services as other financial advisors, with the added benefit of being endorsed by Ramsey Solutions. A few services most pros offer include:

    • Financial Planning

    • Investment Advice

    • Retirement Planning

    • Wealth Management

    • Estate Planning

  • Dave Ramsey SmartVestor Pros are financial advisors who are part of a network endorsed by Dave Ramsey, a renowned personal finance expert. SmartVestor Pros don’t work directly for Ramsey Solutions, however they are thoroughly evaluated by the Ramsey team. Some specific qualifications for SmartVestor Pros include:

    • At least two years of experience as a registered investing professional.

    • A thorough understanding of Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps.

    • They agree to Ramsey Solutions’ Code of Conduct.

    • They participate in ongoing coaching with the Ramsey team to maintain high standards of customer service.


We’re Here to Help.

We welcome the opportunity to meet you and introduce you to our team of advisors. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey toward financial freedom.